You know those days when you just feel “Meh”? You really want to feel happier and more energetic but not sure what you can do to make that happen.
Worry not, I’m here to give you 5 tips to banish the ‘Meh’ monsters and feel happier.
1: Be polite, it makes you feel good!
We can go through our day filled with our own thoughts and ignoring other people but that’s like living in a steel box, we don’t have the connection and interaction that we, as humans, crave and need.
When we begin to be more aware of the people around us, be polite with them, and receive the same back, it lifts our hearts and helps us feel happier each day.
2: Smile at people, it makes them feel good!
Did you know that smiling releases neuropeptides in your brain? Do you even know what neuropeptides do? Well, let me tell you, these little fellas help you fight off stress.
When you smile you also release the happy hormones in your brain, Dopamine and Seratonin, that help you feel much happier.
So smile, smile at someone in the street as you catch each other’s eyes, smile at work colleagues and friends. Trust me, you’ll feel much better!
3: Random acts of kindness, it makes everyone feel good!
Think about how you feel when a stranger holds the door open for you or stops and lets you out when you’re driving. Feels good doesn’t it. You know what, doing them for others feels just as good!
It can be holding a door open for someone, picking something up that has been dropped, or being there for someone if they’re upset. Any of these acts of kindness not only makes the person receiving them feel good, but they help you feel good too.
So what could you do today?
4: Tell yourself today is going to be a fabulous day
This is in the form of affirmations. I’ve written about affirmations before and with good reason, they work. Doing affirmations each day can, over time, actually re-wire your brain to be naturally happier.
Examples of affirmations are:
Today is going to be an amazing day!
I choose to be happy today.
I am confident and strong.
Try them morning and night, you’ll start to see changes in your day.
5: Stop reading the news.
There’s no hiding from the fact that the media thrives on shock, fear, scandal, and making you feel inadequate, it’s their bread and butter work, but it’s not good for you!
Look at the tv, internet, newspaper, wherever you get your daily dose of news from, and just look at how many stories are negative. I would actually say it’s 60% and above, and a mixture of war, violence, how amazing a celeb looks (and implying that you don’t) and many more stories like that.
Remember, you are what you surround yourself with, so if you surround yourself with crap by consuming all that negative media, you are going to feel like crap.